
Stock information

as of 31th May 2024

Stock code 4829
Company Name Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Types of industry Information technology and networking
Total number of shares 147,800,000
Issued and outstanding shares 38,534,900
Number of shareholoder 9,429
Unit shares 100
Securities exchange Standard Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange
Final date receipt of year-end dividends 31st May
Final date for receipt of interim dividend 30th November
Fiscal year end 31st May
Shareholder register
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Annual shareholder's meeting August
  • Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.
  • Ichiyoshi Securities Co., Ltd.
  • Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities
  • Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
  • Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Company, Limited
  • Monex, Inc.
  • Iwai Cosmo Securities Co., Ltd.
Main financing bank
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • Mizuho Bank,Ltd.
  • MUFG Bank, Ltd.
  • Resona Bank,Ltd.
Audit corporation Ernst&Young ShinNihon LLC
Method of public notice By electric notice.
In case that electric notice is not availabe for any reason, Nihon Keizai Shimbun is the second adaption.

* The share unit number was changed from 1 shares to 100 shares on 1st December 2013.