Solution Segment
It can be classified into system development/operation services and other services. In the system development/operation services, Nihon Enterprise(NE) concentrates on comprehensive solution services, mainly entrusted development (from scratch) utilizing the know-how nurtured through the Creation business, and engages in business support service, the service of buying and selling used terminals, and the service of offering glass coating.
●System development and operation services
〈 Solution services 〉
While the demand for systems related to AI, IoT, and security is growing, NE offers comprehensive solution services, including consulting, development, maintenance, and operation, according to market needs.
〈 Business support service 〉
A service to deal with the growing labor shortage problem. NE supports the challenges of customers by providing “human capital” equipped with diverse skills and a highly-reliable infrastructure.
〈 Used Terminals purchase and sales service 〉
A service that purchases used devices and sells Used Terminals to buyers. NE aims to provide refurbishments in addition to rigorous grading (assessment).
〈 Glass Coating against COVID-19 〉
A service of offering glass coating, which has antibacterial properties that inactivate viruses.