

We aim to be No.1 company in customer satisfaction by striving to create "inspiring the next" with pursuit of creativity and technical expertise

Almost 36 years have passed since I established Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd.. While the time flows quickly we have created and expanded the business as a leading mobile content provider, keeping our company mission we have followed since the time of establishment, which is "recognizing our responsibilities as business persons, our true purpose is to contribute to social development and cultural progress through our activities".

We grew to a group having 10 subsidiaries, and were listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in July 2007, transferred to the Standard Market in April 2022.

Smartphones have been the significant enablers to change people's lifestyle. The enterprises also experience a big change in business surroundings along with full scale approach to multi-devices and robot environment, newly required security policy and cloud computing.

Coping with such a rapid change, Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. group provides the consumer with contents to entertain and enrich people's life including healthcare App,traffic information, messenger App, games, and e-book in "Creation Segment". Furthermore as for mobile commerce we will evolve useful EC market for customers.

At the same time in "Solution Segment", with expertise obtained through own contents operation, we offer consigned development of Apps and IT system, specific solutions and packaged-Apps to support enterprise customers to make use of mobile devises or to streamline their business operations, and the advertising agent service. Packaged-Apps include "BizTalk"(a secure messenger App), "NE-Phone System"(an IP phone service), "Yubisashi Navi"(a cloud service for tourism) and "e-Manabi"(a learning cloud service) .
Through development and provision of those solution services we have won a great deal of trust from our enterprise customers.

To meet great expectation from all the stakeholder, we promise to make a leap forward by gathering the wisdom of all the employees and to work together for the single goal as a member of Nihon Enterprise group. Please expect for our further activities and I would like to express my gratitude to your ongoing support and encouragement.

Katsunori Ueda