
Corporate Profile

Company name Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Address and Phone

Tokyo head quarter:
Matsuoka Shibuya Bldg. 1-17-8 Shibuya Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan (ZIP 150-0002)
Access map

Nagoya office:
2nd FL. Saneifushimi Bldg. 2-15-20 Nishiki Naka-ku Nagoya-city Aichi-prefecture Japan (ZIP 460-0003)
Access map

Phone +81-3-5774-5730
Establishment 30th May 1989
Board member
 Katsunori Ueda
 Koichi Sugiyama
Senior Managing Director:
 Masaru Tanaka
Outside Managing Director:
 Takeshi Okada
Outside Managing Director:
 Yuko Tsuji
 Yoshihito Katagai
Outside Auditor:
 Nobutetsu Yoshikawa
Outside Auditor:
 Shoji Hoshino
Business domain ♦Creation Segment
Contents planning, development and operation for smartphone and other multi devices.

♦Solution Segment
Application and System planning , development and management to support enterprise customers to make use of mobile devices and to streamline business operation, and provision of advertising agent service.
Capital 1.1 billion yen
Employees 220 (consolidated)
Group company 8 consolidated and 2 non-consolidated

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4QUALIA Co., Ltd.
and One Inc.
Aizu Laboratory, Inc.
Promote, Inc.
Inaseri Co., Ltd.
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NE YinRun Co., Ltd.
Dive Global Access, Inc.
Main financing bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Resona Bank, Ltd.
Associations Association of Media in Digital
Internet Rating Observation Institute